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On Friday 13 October 2017
12.00 o'clock
the exhibition
opened on the Konak Square, Izmir
The exhibition shows – for the very first time - the unrealised designs of Dutch architect Willem Marinus Dudok (1884-1974) for the city of Izmir in Turkey. We show not only the many drawings he made, but also models of the main buildings as well as the Turkish master plan for the Konak Square in the centre of town. With the opening on Konak Square we introduce Dudok's ideas for Izmir to a larger audience.
The exhibition was officially opened by deputy mayor and architect Muzaffer Tuçağ of the Izmir municipality and the Dutch cultural attaché Quirine van der Hoeven.
The opening of the exhibition was followed at 14.00 o'clock by a two day symposium
with Dutch and Turkish scholars and architects. It was held at the Izmir Chamber of Architects (1474 Sokak No:9) on 13 & 14 October. For information about the speakers and the content please go to:
Exhibition subjects:
The exhibition tells the story of Willem Marinus Dudok (1884-1974), with examples of his work in the Netherlands and Izmir. It combines facsimiles of his drawings, photographs, letters, maps and citations as well as a short introduction video and 3D reconstructions, with models of the Snelliusschool in Hilversum, the Netherlands, the Cultural Centre and the Seaside of Izmir and a smaller scale model of Dudok's design for a new City Hall in Izmir.
Exhibition schedule:
13 – 18 October 2017: Exhibition on Konak Square, Izmir
19 – 26 October 2017: Exhibition in Ahmed Adnan Saygun Arts Centre, Izmir
Background information:
Dutch architect and urban planner Willem Marinus Dudok (1884-1974) never fitted the official categories. He developed his own distinctive style and combined different Dutch modernist traditions into something unique and recognisable. He gained worldwide recognition for his design of the Hilversum's Town Hall (1928-31).
Dudok visited Turkey for the first time in 1938 as a jury member for the design of the new parliament building in Ankara. At the time, Turkish media called him one of the best architects in the world. In the 1940s, Dudok was asked to teach at the University of Ankara, but he was unable to leave Netherlands due to World War II. However, in 1949 he returned to Turkey, once again as a jury member.
Dudok's big chance to work in Turkey as an architect and urban planner came in 1953 when Rauf Onursal, the Mayor of Izmir, asked him to design a town hall, an opera house, a theatre, and a cinema in the Konak District. Dudok was almost 70 at the time, but was very much inspired by the opportunities in the bustling city of Izmir. From his sketches, which are preserved in the archives of Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, we get an idea of how different Izmir may have looked today if Dudok would have had the chance to realise his plans.
However, Dudok’s projects were never realised. In 1954, Dudok's friend and supporter, Mayor Rauf Onursal, moved to Ankara as a congressmen after the parliamentary elections. Another enthusiastic supporter of the project, Gouvernor Muzaffer Göksenin, was appointed Ambassador to Baghdad. The new Mayor and Gouvernor decided not to continue with the projects.
Now, the only evidence remaining of Dudok's ambitious projects are the drawings, sketches and letters in the Dutch archives.
For further information please contact:
TVCulture at +31614703003
or at
The exhibition and symposium were made possible in partnership
Nederlands persbericht
PERSBERICHT 15-10-2017
Succesvolle opening Dudok tentoonstelling
in Izmir, Turkije.
Op 13 oktober opende op het Konakplein in het hart van de stad Izmir in Turkije – een stad met vijf miljoen inwoners - een tentoonstelling over de Nederlandse architect Willem Marinus Dudok (1884-1974). Voor het eerst worden tekeningen en schetsen getoond die Dudok in 1954 maakte voor stad Izmir. Op basis van deze tekeningen zijn ook modellen gemaakt van de gebouwen. Deze bijzondere buitententoonstelling staat op een van de drukste plekken van de stad waar dagelijks meer dan tienduizend mensen langskomen.
De opening werd gevolgd door een tweedaags symposium From Dudok to the 21st Century: Redesigning the City in de Izmir Kamer van Architecten met medewerking van wetenschappers en architecten uit Nederland en Turkije en honderden belangstellenden.
De tentoonstelling werd geopend door loco-burgemeester en architect Muzaffer Tuçağ van de stad Izmir en de Nederlandse cultureel attaché Quirine van der Hoeven.
Hoge resolutie foto's en meer informatie over het onderwerp en de deelnemers vindt u onder de photos-section op
De tentoonstelling vertelt het vergeten avontuur van architect en stedenbouwkundige Willem Dudok. In 1954 werd hij door de burgemeester van Izmir, Rauf Onursal, gevraagd om een nieuw stadhuis en een nieuw cultureel centrum en theater te bouwen op het Konakplein, een prestigieuze plek vergelijkbaar met de Dam in Amsterdam. Door diverse omstandigheden werden de plannen nooit uitgevoerd, maar dankzij de tekeningen die werden bewaard in Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam konden zijn ontwerpen worden gereconstrueerd in een bijzondere samenwerking tussen Bilkent Universiteit in Ankara en de Technische Universiteit Delft. Op basis van hun bevindingen en research konden professionele maquettes en 3-D modellen worden gemaakt.
13 – 18 Oktober 2017: Konak Square, Izmir
19 – 26 Oktober 2017: Ahmed Adnan Saygun Arts Centre, Izmir
November 2017: Ankara (tbc)
Voor meer informatie:
TVCulture op +31614703003
or at
Het project is een initiatief van TVCulture en werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door: